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2024年报告22:美国路易维尔大学李嘉旭教授:A delay differential equation model for metabolic feedback among glucose, insulin and glucagon, and some thoughts on dual pump artificial pancreas

时间:2024-06-26 15:13:18 来源: 作者: 阅读:

报告题目A delay differential equation model for metabolic feedback among glucose, insulin and glucagon, and some thoughts on dual pump artificial pancreas




报告摘要:Glucose, insulin, and glucagon together form a complete endocrine metabolic feedback loop. Most existing modeling work pertaining to this loop focuses mainly on the regulations between glucose and insulin. The role of glucagon in these works is summarized by hepatic glucose production (HGP) dependent solely on insulin levels. In this talk, we carefully analyze the secretion of glucagon, its role in HGP, and its interactions with insulin, and then formulate a dynamical system model to further analyze its effects in balancing blood sugar levels. The presence of glucagon allows us to examine the impacts of HGP governed by insulin and glucagon separately. This reveals insight about how a very recent concept, glucagon resistance, can affect blood glucose levels and lead to rampant glucagon production and consequently blood sugar levels. We also show that a form of insulin resistance in hepatic cells can lead to excess insulin secretion, a characteristic of type 2 diabetes mellitus. We also present some thoughts on modeling the feedback loop in a dual pump artificial pancreas.

报告人简介:李嘉旭,博士,美国路易维尔大学教授, 博士生导师。 1996年获美国亚利桑那州立大学计算机科学硕士学位,2004年获美国亚利桑那州立大学数学博士学位。自20078月起在美国路易维尔大学数学系任助理教授,副教授,教授。李嘉旭教授主要从事于动力系统,泛函微分方程,数学生物学的研究,特别集中于基因转化,代谢系统及糖尿病的研究, frontier Systems BiologyMathematical Bioscience and Engineering编委。在主要专业杂志发表有影响力的多篇论文,参与数个美国卫生研究院,能源部项目,主持子项目。他的研究成果大多处于国际领先水平,被生物学家,控制专家所应用。在20078月回归学术界之前,李嘉旭教授曾在美国高科技工业领域工作十余年,历任程序员,工程师,高级工程师,资深高级工程师,从事数据库,控制软件的研发工作。