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时间:2021-09-22 15:45:07 来源: 作者:余永超 阅读:

报告题目A priori estimate for solutions of nonlocal equations

报告人:陈文雄 教授


报告地点:腾讯会议ID:849 823 773 密码:123456

报告摘要:  This talk concerns uniform a priori estimates for positive solutions to higher critical order fractional Lame-Emden equations for all large exponents. We establish two key ingredients needed in the estimates. One is the monotonicity of solutions in the inward normal direction near the boundary by using the method of moving planes in a local way, and the other is the integration by parts formula for higher order fractional operators. Both of them will become useful tools in the analysis of higher order fractional equations. It is well-known that, with such a priori estimate, one will be able to obtain the existence of solutions via topological degree or continuation arguments.

报告人简介:陈文雄,Yeshiva大学终身教授,数学系主任,博士生导师,南开大学特聘讲座教授,多次获得美国国家科学基金奖。陈文雄教授是偏微分方程和几何分析的杰出专家,研究领域包括非线性偏微分方程、几何分析、非线性泛函分析等。陈教授担任Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods &Applications Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis两个SCI数学杂志的编委,被多个SCI期刊评为优秀审稿人,在数学顶级期刊Annals of Math, J. of Diff. Geom., Comm. Pure and Appl. Math, Duke Math. J, Advance in Math, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal.等发表论文80余篇,并出版了三本专著,他引已达五千余次,其中在Duke Math. J.上发表的名为Classification of solutions of some nonlinear elliptic equations的论文被引次数高达900余次。
