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时间:2021-05-19 20:58:30 来源: 作者: 阅读:

报告题目Liouville theorems for entire solutions to fractional parabolic equations.

报告人 武乐云 博士后


报告地点:腾讯会议ID:  651 740 461

报告摘要:  This talk concerns Liouville type theorems for entire solutions to fractional parabolic equations. We establish the narrow region principles and maximum principles in unbounded domains, in which we remarkably weaken the usual decay condition $u \to 0$ at infinity with respect to the spacial variables to a polynomial growth on u. As a consequence, we derive the corresponding Liouville type theorems in a half space.

报告人简介: 武乐云,西北工业大学博士,目前在上海交通大学从事博士后研究。主要研究领域为偏微分方程。在Adv. Math.Calc. Var. Partial Differen- tial Equations 等国际知名 SCI 期刊上发表论文 10 余篇。武乐云博士获得上海市超级博士后资助,入选 2020 年度香江学者计划,主持博士后基金面上项目一项。
